Completing the puzzle for seabed maps
The GMRT-AusSeabed project will enable users to create their own seamless seabed maps using AusSeabed datasets. Through a cloud-based platform, users will be able to select, prioritise and merge available datasets together to then grid them at their preferred resolution (data allowing). The project will deliver a prototype platform in June 2022 that will focus on bathymetry data, but will seed future AusSeabed activities.
For more information:
The project has three components:

User-needs survey
- A community survey to ensure we develop the platform end-users want.
- Engaged over 800 individuals and based on 95 responses.
- Summary of results published in the report below.
- GMRT-Auseabed PL019 User Need Survey Summary

Data subset
- A diverse collection of bathymetry datasets in a test region of the Bass Strait
- Used in the development and testing of the platform, as well as in improving best-practices for data collection and management.
- Openly accessible on the AusSeabed Marine Data Portal

GMRT-AusSeabed platform
- A prototype built from existing technology called the Global Multi-Resolution Topography synthesis, developed by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observation group (link to GMRT).
- Enables users to create their own seabed maps according to their needs.
- Linked to the AusSeabed Data Hub.
- GMRT AusSeabed PL019 Workshop-1
- GMRT AusSeabed PL019 Workshop-2
Progress Reports
Project Steering Committee Meetings
- GMRT-AusSeabed Steering Meeting #1 minutes
- GMRT-AusSeabed Steering Meeting #2 minutes
- GMRT-AusSeabed Steering Meeting #3 minutes
The GMRT-AusSeabed project [DOI: 10.47486/PL019] is a collaborative, co-investment by Geoscience Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, Deakin University, James Cook University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, CSIRO, the Australian Antarctic Division and the NCRIS-funded Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC).