AusSeabed ECOP Election

Nominations ae now open for an Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) to join the AusSeabed Steering Committee.

The ECOP position is open to people who

  • are undertaking study, or who graduated less than 5 years ago.
  • are currently engaged in an AusSeabed-related field (through study or work) within an Australian organisation
  • have the support of their organisation to participate and attend at least one face-to-face meeting

While not necessary for the position, it is desirable for nominees to have some experience in seabed mapping, whether at sea or desktop-based.

The ECOP position lasts for 18 months and will allow you to build your network, learn how the Australian seafloor is mapped and give you firsthand insight into how these committees function.

The successful nominee will:

  • provide an early career perspective
  • lead an AusSeabed activity
  • actively participate in an AusSeabed Working Group
  • contribute one article or presentation to an AusSeabed Newsletter or Showcase

Nominations close 14 March 2025. If you would like to speak to someone about this opportunity, please email

For more information about the AusSeabed Steering Committee please check out the Terms of Reference.

For information about the election process please see the Election SOPs. Note – the ECOP position is voted on by the current Steering Committee members.

To apply, fill in the AusSeabed ECOP Nomination Form and send it to