New report shows the value of seabed mapping

Results from the Economic Business Analysis for understanding the value of seabed mapping to the blue economy, commissioned by Deloitte
A new report from Deloitte has found that seabed mapping data directly contributed $9 billion to our economy and employed over 56,000 FTE in 2018–19.
Accurate, consistent and widely available seabed maps are a valuable resource for Australia. There are also significant social, cultural, and environmental benefits that are attributable to the production and use of seabed mapping data. The report highlights Australia’s blue economy as an area with strong potential for economic growth. However, only one quarter of the Australian seabed is mapped to an adequate resolution to assist businesses and governments in decision making.
AusSeabed is working to make high-resolution seabed mapping data more widely available, which will help to unlock new activity as end-users can more effectively plan and strategise around this fundamental information.