The United Nations Decade for Ocean Science
Our chair, Kim Picard, has been actively engaging with Ocean Decade Australia activities. Last week was the first Australian stakeholder brief (recording available here). The brief introduces stakeholders to the structure of the UN Decade for Ocean Science, Sustainable Development Goals structure and the Ocean Decade Action Framework. Read the brochure to learn more about the UN Decade for Ocean Science.
The event highlighted why Australia should invests in Ocean Decade activities at a government, industry and individual level. The panellists hope the Decade will lead to a positive mindset for climate change solutions, the incorporation of investments and philanthropy in realising SDG solutions and innovation through the promotion of partnerships.
As an individual you can take on small actions, one at a time, to make a difference including:
- Asking where your fish comes from
- Asking where and how your clothes are made
- Asking where your money is being invested
- Insist on evidence-based conversations about social issues

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